Contest Rules and Terms


Besides disqualification to a contest submission, things that may lead to disqualification may lead to network bans depending on the case.

You will be disqualified:

  • If you are caught with any foul play which includes stealing entire art pieces, parts from other artists, reusing old art, and tracing of any kind.
    • This includes but is not limited to characters and backgrounds.
    • Mimicking a pose or clothes is totally acceptable, but do not trace.
  • If your artwork is not marked with M.A.N.M. Art Contest as part of the watermark, then your submission will be disqualified.
    • or MashiroMarket is also acceptable watermarks.
    • Watermarking shows us the faith in the contest as some of our contests are broad. You are of course welcome to repost your art submission.
  • If you are submitting art that does not respect the tradition/theme you are representing **it will not be shown to the judges.**
    • For example; if you draw only Chinese food and the theme presented is specific to Japanese food then you did not do respect the theme / tradation.
    • If you drew what seems to be a kimono and ended up showing too much skin and breaking the tradition of kimono and the contest is about tradition, then your submission will be disqualified as you did not do your research.

      Your disqualification may not be notified to you.

Being an Ethical Artist

If you are caught creating art that depicts/promotes racism, sexism, abelism, homophobia, transphobia, hate crimes and other horrific scenes; And OR Include harmful words – We would then consider you an unethical artist.

In Mashiro’s Market and the Art Network we have zero tolerance in fostering art or artist who creates unethical art.

You would be banned from the Mashiro Market and our  Splash of Colors Art Network. 
You will also void any prizes you may have won.

Prize Payout and Payments

USD ($) money prize payouts are paid via PayPal and sometimes Ko-Fi and must be claimed through ticket details.

Even if you win a competition, if you are found to be banned for any reason in the Mashiro Market servers you will not be paid.
Contest Winners are promoted and should be good rule-abiding members.
Subsequently, if you are found to break any of the server rules or art contest rules – disqualifications above- your prize will be entirely voided.

PayPal outside of the US is subject to an international fee.
PayPal accounts inside the US are unlikely to have sending/receiving fees.
PayPal business accounts may be subject to fees from PayPal.

All payments are private and no part should ever be shared.

Prize Voids

We may declare a winner but still investigate until we are certain they are legitimate in their submission.
If we find out that a contest winner cheated, has a reason to be disqualified, is found to be an unethical artist, and or has been banned for any reason we have the full right to retract our prize payouts to the contest winner. We would then either try and pick a runner-up / honorable mention to claim your prize instead. Alternatively, we may hold the prize money for future use in our next contest or giveaways.

As stated above, contest winners are promoted and should be good rule-abiding members and so we hold right to our rules and money, no one is entitled to money if they break our terms.

You don't have PayPal but you won a cash prize?

You may claim your prize instead as a Discord Nitro Payout of equivalent to $5 USD and or Discord Nitro Payout with 2 Server Boost $10 USD 

You may also claim a supporter role equivalent to the cash payout.

These are the only prize payout options available. We DO NOT do bank transfers, CashApp, Venmo or any other money transfer systems.

Last Updated: February 1st, 2022 for clarity