Love Yourself!

Looking for Content Creators to Affiliate with us!

Investing into you!

Keep doing what you love, just have us as a way to grow! All we ask is that you shout us out. This is like a sponsorship so that we can help artist grow!

You would be part of a small group of 3-6 art VTubers [Eventually]
You can keep your Twitch Team too!

We are not a Talent Agency; if you currently have a talent agency currently but want to join here too let’s see if we can make that happen!
We do not make you sign contracts; this is a sponsorship and content affiliation. In no way do we want to monetize from your streams and we don’t have any part of your personality.

Our goal is to get artists recognized by promoting and giving them extra exposure by saying they affiliate with us!

This is very new for us so please ask if you have questions!


  • Only one month-to-month commitment. (No formal contract signing you for a long term.)
  • 50-250 USD One Time Join Bonus [Directly to you].
    • The one time bonus will depend how large your channel is and how much we want you to affiliate with us! (Please contact for a more specific bonus!)
    • If you decide to continue with us after the first month; every month after you may get 50-100 USD monthly through Subs, Bits, and sometimes donations. [We may move away from this as we want people to affiliate a non-profit without constant payment]
    • Clarification: We do not get any money from your promotions. Everything is running at a loss for us to engage and invest in artists like you!
    • Why do we use gifted subs and bits? We want to reward you live on stream and have a way to interact with you with this system. It will encourage you to stream more and have the audience earn a gifted sub if you are on twitch!
  • An affiliate page on
  • Splash of Colors Discord Channel.  Art Network for Inquiries and Safety.
  • Discord Channel Content Creator Ping.
    • and
  • Promote / Host Art Classes
    • Both paid  [20/hr] or free if you would like.
  • Promote / Host AMAs and other panels
    • Both paid [20/hr] or free if you would like.
  • Full Discord Server Creation Support.
    • This includes extra moderation tools.
  • Ability to share your Art Raffles,  Art Contest,  Art Events in our server network.
  • Content Affiliate Role in Server.
  • Discord bot upkeep and access to premiums plans.
  • Attempts to get your Discord server Partnered!
  • Open to suggestions – just be mindful we are a non-profit just trying to support the entire art community.


  • 1,000 Twitch Followers or Youtube Subscribers.
  • Minimum 50 joins a month to our Discord Server
    • Either Bot shoutout or small text graphic overlay. 
    • This is new for us so do not worry about this during your first month!
  • Shoutout Affiliation to and in About 
  • Occasional shoutout of Art Contest. (Shouting it out three times a month one time any point during a stream is okay!)
  • Stream at least 4 times a month; 4 hours min. So you should be streaming 16 hours minimum a month [~40% of your content should be Art / Creative content]
    • Streaming more will encourage us to keep investing into you with more bits, donations, and just more resources!
  • Your community must have 100% respect towards the LGBTQ+ community and no hate speech that includes; racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, or transphobic behavior.
We are also focused on Mental Health if you can not fulfill we understand and accommodate for the holiday!

This is still new for Mashiro Market so please let [email protected] know about any specifics.
Discord: Mashiron#0001