Love Yourself!

About Us

Copyright to Artist: Rinny and Company Mashiro Market

We provide the most genuine art platform

Who is Mashiro?
Shiina Mashiro is the pet girl from Sakurasou! In the anime and novel Sakurasou No Pet Na Kanojo she is one of the two protagonists. However, this isn't about her canon source. It's the deviation of her where we take the legacy to play in our own real life.

If you have the moment to get to know her then she too may inspire you.
She has A.S.D. (Autism Spectrum Disorder), previously known as Aspergers in her youth. For her, A.S.D. often impacts her daily life as she struggles to realize social cues, comprehend facial expressions, understand situations, and overall has a hard time understanding then communicating any of her feelings.
She also has trouble with what we could consider simple things like the concept of money to purchase food and what she needs to look like to be presentable with what she wears.

But along with her neurological conditions, she also has Savant Syndrome. This allows her to have naturally great talent in specific things. In her case, it would be her amazing art, drawing, and painting skills. She also has picture-perfect memory. Her talents allowed her to become a world-renowned painter.

Mashiro isn't able to communicate effectively with other people and relate to them, so she struggles to make friends. Other people often overlook what she may be going through and has; so instead, she spends her time painting - alone.
With her talents and so much time refining her craft, her peers often resented her as they think they could not compete with her. She falls deeper into isolation, as others find her too good to be around.
Imagine being in her shoes. How do you learn to be better with people when people actively avoid you for being different, - being born a certain way, and even having talents that people should love about you but instead hate?

Mashiro then decides she wants to make manga, but her problem is that she might be able to draw but she isn't able to convey emotions with the characters. She doesn't know what a character in her manga should say or look like, because she doesn't understand herself. Autistic people sometimes are trapped in their own perspective - having a hard time putting themselves in someone else's position - especially an emotional one. While painting and other art can be abstract, manga is about a story of people. This is where her disorder of autism makes it difficult not only in her real-life social interactions but in her passion for art in manga.

This is where I tell my story as the author.
She is truly inspirational, she goes through adversaries that most of us never will face, yet - she always seems so far ahead of everyone else.

In Mashiro's journey, she teaches us the virtues of patience, dedication, courage, identity, loyalty, optimism, hope, and respect.
For some of us, there have been moments in our own lives where we feel we can't understand people and people can't understand us. As artists, as creative minds, and as humans, we can't always find the right words to say. Instead, our outlet of emotions is through art, music, storytelling, and other activities.
She finds love in everything she does and I hope we all find love through compassion for people, passion for projects, and or romance.
Although she may not exist in our world, she does leave a legacy, and that legacy inspires me and everyone I interact with. And so, in a way she does live, she does exist, and she accomplishes so many things for people.

What does she do for the server?
She is the reason why firstly, respect, patience, and kindness are the core values in the server. It is the strongest core value that I hold in our community. This may be for art, but not everyone is an artist and we all might not have art as a hobby or profession, so these values can stick with all of us forever.

She is also why Mental Health is first and highly promoted on this server. You will never see a server so dedicated to putting mental health first.

Special dedications go to Andy, Christopher, Jacksreality, Janine, Kore, Natalie, and of course, Mashiro.
Thanks to our hard-working discord community team and the members.

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